
2020 Sure Sucked, but At Least I Taught Myself How to Create Photogrammetry Models and Experience them in Virtual Reality

Photogrammetry, Virtual Reality

I learned a totally new way to use and consume photography that I think has some very thought-provoking and possibly profound implications for the future; I learned how to use normal 2D photography to create ultra-realistic 3D scans of real world locations, and I also learned how to share the experience of being in those locations with anyone.


Earth Day is about Humans


No matter what we do — even if we press all of the red buttons and vaporize a good chunk of the planet’s surface — I promise you that the earth will be fine. It has survived extinction events in the past, and it can do it again. I certainly hope that isn’t what happens. But I only hope it because, as a member of the only species that is capable of appreciating the beauty of this place, it would just be a shame to diminish it.


The Greatest Travel Hack

gear, travel

Shelter, food, and friendship — these are the three most pressing needs in life. And travel is mostly just an effort to find more exciting ways to satisfy them. Mixing things up with a little unpredictability and even a bit of inconvenience now and then spices things up, and helps you to appreciate the nuances […]