Photogrammetry Scans

Eichinger Sculpture Studio was one of my earliest large scale scans. Over the pandemic I was able to spend a lot of time figuring out how to optimize it and deliver it in high quality to mobile VR headsets, which involved a self imposed crash course in everything from Blender to Unity to ZBrush. This screen capture is straight from a standalone Oculus Quest 1.

Most people get annoyed when their subway service is under construction overnight. I see it as an opportunity to create an unusually high quality scan of the Morgan Avenue subway station.

This is the Blue Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The weather was overcast the whole time I was there scanning, so this is one of the most flawless and de-shadowed scans I’ve ever done. This model was featured as a puzzle in the Puzzling Places virtual reality app.

This is Badshahi Mosque in Lahore Pakistan. It is the largest Mughal era mosque. I will often head overseas to practice and develop scanning techniques because it is genera;;u easier to get permission to scan a location in foreign countries than it is to get permission to scan anything in the USA.

This is Dolce Acqua, a quaint little medieval village in Italy that was made famous when it was painted by Monet. This was one of my first attempts at creating a large scale photogrammetry model using GIS data and automated drone flights. Most of this model was captured while I was sitting outside and drinking coffee at a cafe just across the river.

This is a convent in the center of a small town called Izamal in Yucatan, Mexico. One of my favorite things about doing large photogrammetry scans like this is that you have a reason to go to a fairly random place in the world, and then spent a lot of down time just hanging out while you scope things out, wait for weather, wait for drones to charge, etc etc. It’s a great reason and method to travel. It took me about three days onsite to fully capture this.